As soon as the grand launch had finished and all contestants entered bigg boss 8 telugu house as expected fights and heated arguments took place in the second day of bigg boss 8 telugu itself between Sonia Akula and Rj Shekar Basha.
Sonia Akula and other people respect food and everyone does respect food and she asks not to give oranges to other people who respect food and eat them and Rj shekar was not the only one playing with food and there are other housemates as well but shekar basha reacts to this trying to crete a mess or creating a fight.
Sonia does say dont give food that you are playing with in high tone and harshly as it is food and everyone should respect food.
Fight Between Rj Shekar Basha and Sonia Akula in Bigg Boss 8 Telugu
Fight starts in Bigg boss telugu 8 as soon as few contestants in bigg boss 8 telugu started playing with oranges and throwing oranges to each other and catching them and they are playing, suddenly Sonia reacts to that and says “those who are playing with oranges are not allowed to touch oranges and eat them”, then it triggers Rj Shekar Basha and heated arguments on day 2 between RJ shekar basha and Sonia Akula starts.
Rj Shekar basha then started saying – Is there anywhere written in bigg boss rules that you should not play with food? And to say these things like playing with food will not be written any where in bigg boss rules as this is just a common senes to not to play with food.
Heated discussion starts rj shekar basha saying you said dont touch oranges and sonia replies i said not allowed to eat and rj shekar basha starts discussion how can you say that, and Sonia akula replies, you keep it on table, throw it on ground, drainage and you eat them – in high tone.
Sonia Akula has a Point regarding Oranges
She was addressing, don’t play with oranges as we eat them and people want to respect food and eat them humanly by respecting food and by not playing with eatables like oranges and she also says dont give oranges to them who wanted to eat food without playing with them and respect food.
Rj shekar basha says – i will eat and then starts peeling oranges and eat them with lot of heated arguments and words exchanged between Sonia akula and Rj Shekar Basha.
Why Fight Happens Between RJ Shekar Basha and Sonia Akula?
Rj shekar basha and other house mates are playing with oranges by throwing and catching it to each other and sonia sitting on couch says dont play with food and dont touch with food (oranges) that you are playing with and dont give it to anyone who wants to eat them properly by respecting food and then rj shekar basha responds you said dont touch and heated argument and throwing words to each other happened and its pretty common to see in bigg boss telugu 8 season and more fights are expected.