Sanjay Dutt biopic movie which is titled as Sanju and Ranbir kapoor plays a role of Sanjay Dutt in this film and looks astonishing and amazing looks very perfectly similar like a mirror copy of Sanajy Dutt its very hard to believe and say its Sanajy Dutt or Ranbir Kapoor if you watch the first look poster of Sanjay Dutt biopic for the first time and glimpse of Sanju movie ranbir kapoor as sanjay dutt poster and teasers have been released by makers and the director Rajkumar Hirani released the first look and teaser and ranbir kapoor in Sanju movie just stole everyone heart and grabbed lot of attention with his look like Sanjay dutt in his biopic movie and the Sanju film cast is not yet revealed by the makers only few names and star cast of Sanju film was released.
Ranbir kapoor potraying the character of Sanjay dutt and a one man living many lives which his very anticipated movie of the year and keenly looked-for ghoosebumps movie in bollywood with a humongous buzz all over and before the movie title has been finalized there has been many names given for this dutt biopic movie and exactly don’t know what is sanjay dutt biopic names and here it is Sanju and after the release of Dutt Biopic poster everyone went crazy with the looks of Ranbir Kapoor in Sanju Movie.
Sanjay Dutt Biopic Movie trailer:
Released teaser of Sanajy Dutt biopic starts from the central jail scene from where sanjay dutt played by Ranbir Kapoor come out and he just looks same as Real Sanjay Dutt.
Looks of Ranbir Kapoor Sanajy Dutt Biopic Movie:
As its said in the teaser and the motion poster sanajy dutt is loved by all in bollywood industry and a versatile actor and this time ranbir kapoor who is very talented in portraying the characters as it is and living in the character he plays and put a life to it as he previously proved in rockstar movie, barfi movie and many movies and ranbir kapoor role are till now remembered by his character names in bollywood and now this time he comes up with the legendary character and biopic of Sanjay Dutt he just nailed his sanjay dutt biopic movie.
Looks of ranbir kappor in Sanjay dut-t biopic are watched over and over again how he look very very close look alike to sanjay dutt in sanju movie and his looks are very much appreciable and the make up artist really did a very good job for this look on ranbir kapoor.
The role of Khalnayak and the upside and downs of sanjay dutt with an intriguing story and his journey so far will be covered in Sanajy dutt biopic movie. Ranbir Kapoor looks will grab everone attention for sure as he plays many roles of Sanjay dutt in sanju movie and this time ranbir kapoor as sanjay dutt will be remembered forever and ever.
Sanjay Dutt Biopic Movie Poster:
Sanjay Dutt Biopic Sanju Movie Release Date:
Dutt biopic sanju movie will be released on June 29th 2018.