On 6th September 2013 vaani kapoor experienced her first appearance on screen with the release of Shuddh Desi Romance movie with Parineeti Chopra and Sushant Singh rajpoot. Vaani Kapoor previously seen in YRF movie played a lead role opposite to Ranveer Singh which is titled as Befikre with a story of one night stand ends up in a relationship and Befikre was directed by Aditya Chopra. In 2017 Vaani Kapoor had only one release in her upcoming movies and this time she comes up with 2 upcoming movies Dhoom 4 with Salman khan and untitled YRF Next.
Vaani kapoor made her debut with Shudhh Desi Romance movie and won many awards and she was rewarded with best actress for this movie opposite to Sushant Singh Rajpoot playing a lead role in which Parineeti chopra also plays a lead role which made decent collections records but did not do well at box office as expected.
Vaani Kapoor Commercial Ads for Dairy Milk
Vaani Kapoor earlier also appeared for commercials ads for dairy milk chocolate in which vanni kapoor grabbed lot of attention with dairy milk silk ad and the presentation of vaani kappor in diary milk silk ad.
Here is the list of upcoming movies of Vaani Kapoor and the list of vaani kapoor movies below:
Vaani Kapoor Upcoming Movies :
Vaani kapoor Upcoming Movie Dhoom 4:
Movie Name: Dhoom 4
Cast:: Salman Khan, Vaani Kapoor
Genre: Action Thriller
Vaani Kappor in YRF Next:
Movie Name: Untitled YRF Next Movie
Cast:Hrithik Roshan, Tiger Shroff, Vaani Kapoor
Director By: Siddharth Anand
Genre: Drame
List of Vaani Kappor Movies :
Vaani Kapoor Movie: Befikre
Star cast: Ranveer Singh, Vaani Kapoor
Director: Aditya Chopra
Release Date:: December 09 2016
Genre: Romantic love story
List of Vaani Kapoor Movies:
Vaani Kapoor Movie: Shuddh Desi Romance
Star cast: Sushanth Singh Rajpoot, Parineeti Chopra, Vaani Kapoor
Director: Maneesh Sharma
Release Date:: September 06 2013
Genre: Romantic love story
Vaani Kapoor Movie: Aha Kalyanam
Star cast: Nani, Vaani Kapoor
Director: A. Gokul Kumar
Release Date:: February 21 2014
Genre: Romance and love story